
Naruto on Globat TV

Selasa, 20 November 2007

Naruto episodes 107 - Global TV 14 Nop 07

Naruto episodes 107
Aku akan melawanmu - Naruto vs. sasuke
The Battle Begins: Naruto vs. Sasuke

Type : Anime Video
Copyright : TV Tokyo
Transmited by : Global TV
Transmited on 14 Nop 2007

Episode Summary:
Why was Sasuke unable to defeat an enemy Naruto could? Why was Itachi after Naruto and not him? These are thoughts that race through Sasuke's mind as he remembers Itachi's words. In order to prove who is stronger, Sasuke has one request for Naruto: he wants to fight with him in a one-on-one battle.

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